2009-02-12 16:39Pressmeddelande

We make Swedish Life Science Industry more visible!

SwedenBIO and Newsdesk have collaborated since autumn 2008 in developing efficent tools for creating attention to the Life Science Industry. A special Member Press News Channel for immediate and automatic press news release on the SwedenBIO website is available for members only; www.swedenbio.com.

This is a permanent service of no cost for all SwedenBIO members, and if activated will make all company press information automatically published on the SwedenBIO webpage under Member Press News.

In addition, members are also offered to use the Newsdesk Press Room services free of charge for a trial period of thirty days.

The Newsdesk Press Room service helps you to reach out to over 6 000 active journalists at newspapers, TV- and radiostations as well as opinion makers. The published information is also search engine optimized. Meaning that your information will be on the top list when searching on Google!

Vironova, one of the members of SwedenBIO is successfully using the Newsdesk Press Room service with several pressreleases and documents published as well as a video.

Click here to see what the Vironova Press Room looks like

Don't miss the chance to make YOUR company and the industry more visible!

Click here to read about and activate the Member Press News Channel.

Om SwedenBIO

Working for a successful life science industry The Life Science Industry has improved the lives of millions of people, has created enormous values and is one of the most beneficial industries to our society. SwedenBIO is one of Europe´s largest industry organisations representing more than 180 exciting member companies in Sweden. SwedenBIO is the industry´s only national organisation with a mission to promote an environment bringing success and growth to the entire Swedish Life Science Industry. Join and follow us: Twitter Linked In Youtube