2010-01-15 12:57Pressmeddelande

European Tour for Life Science and Biotech Entrepeneurs, Stockholm

The "European Tour for Life Science and Biotech Entrepreneurs" consists of a series of conferences in which entrepreneurs and policymakers discuss strategies for improved competitiveness in European biotechnology.

The aim is to enable companies to get a better understanding and knowledge of EU regulation, policies and instruments, but also to give an opportunity to express concerns about access to finance and other key issues.

An exchange of views between entrepreneurs and the European Commission on strategies to promote the life sciences and biotechnology industries in the future is crucial to the formulation of post-2010 strategies for competitiveness.

Welcome to give your feedback to the EC!

Wednesday, Jan 20th 2010, 8:30-13.00, followed by mingel lunch 13.00-14.15
IVA (Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademin), Wallenbergsalen
Grev Turegatan 16, Stockholm 

To programme and registration.

This seminar is made in collaboration between:
European Commission Enterprise and Industry, SwedenBIO and Stockholm-Uppsala Life Science

Om SwedenBIO

Working for a successful life science industry The Life Science Industry has improved the lives of millions of people, has created enormous values and is one of the most beneficial industries to our society. SwedenBIO is one of Europe´s largest industry organisations representing more than 180 exciting member companies in Sweden. SwedenBIO is the industry´s only national organisation with a mission to promote an environment bringing success and growth to the entire Swedish Life Science Industry. Join and follow us: Twitter Linked In Youtube