2009-02-11 17:31Pressmeddelande

Biotech in the tough financial times

Health Cap, Swedish Private Equity & Venture Capital Association and SwedenBIO gives their view on risk capital for Swedish Life Science Industry today in Svenska Dagbladet, Näringsliv published Monday Feb 9th.  
Read the article 

Also in Uppsala Nya Tidning  an article on the lack of governmental funding of translational research was published last weekend.
The article was made in close collaboration between  Ingemar Kihlström, Associate Professor at Uppsala University, Sune Rosell, CEO Innate Pharmaceuticals, Mats Berggren, CEO and Anna Karin Källén, Head of Communications SwedenBIO among others. The article was published on Saturday Feb 7th. Read the article

As a result of the tough financial times SwedenBIO Finance Working Group has a survey ongoing to get the latest feed back from 119 of the member companies.
This will be a strong instrument to use in the lobbying activities for the Life Science Industry for better investment incentives.

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Working for a successful life science industry The Life Science Industry has improved the lives of millions of people, has created enormous values and is one of the most beneficial industries to our society. SwedenBIO is one of Europe´s largest industry organisations representing more than 180 exciting member companies in Sweden. SwedenBIO is the industry´s only national organisation with a mission to promote an environment bringing success and growth to the entire Swedish Life Science Industry. Join and follow us: Twitter Linked In Youtube